Sunday, June 13, 2010

The sweet taste of defeat!

I was up at 3.30 this morning; I am part of my sons school's football supporters club committee. We put on a bbq and the game (Australia Vs Germany, for those of you that live under a rock) at the school. Oh dear, the cheap sausages were the best thing of the night! Pim, Pim what were you thinking, bad tactics...............anyway........I digress.
Lets talk about the night before and my date with a truely commercial style cider. I really did not hold high hopes, I thought Australia might have a better chance of impressing. 5 Seeds cider is made by Tooheys under the Extra Dry label. If you have ever tried Tooheys Extra Dry you will know it is far from being dry. It is tailored at the unsophisticated beer drinker who wants a step up from VB or Tooheys New. A brand driven by smart advertising and positioning. It is not a cheap beer, but also not a boutique. It's middle market price point sets it apart from most other beers. Anyway that is enough dumping on a beer. We are here to talk zyyyyder!
5 Seeds Cider has great packaging, they have managed to save money by using the same bottle used for Tooheys Extra Dry, the bottle is embossed with the name. The back label states "Serving suggestion: Bloody cold" and that "The clean crisp flavour has reinvented cider" LOL. Ok, you do need a little hyperbole, however "..reinvented cider"
I thought I would give this cider 2 apples out of 10, but I had not tried it. Surprisingly I awarded this cider, more than two apples. It is pale in colour, and heavily carbonated. It is totally uncomplicated and a good commercial drink. OK, we are not talking top shelf here, however, it really serves it purpose. It is sweet and lacks length of flavour, but it is refreshing and lacks the horrible chemical flavours of cheap beer. I expect this cider will do very well over the next few years. Join their Facebook group at living proof that you need to constantly feed your groups.
6.5 apples out of 10.

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