Saturday, July 24, 2010

I was made an offer I could not refuse.

Last night, was a boys night in. In an attempt to hang out with my fifteen year old son I suggested I go down to the video store (I suppose it is now the DVD store) and get The Godfather. The two girls behind the counter had no idea what film I was talking about. I felt like saying, this is a DVD store and I am talking about one of the most famous films ever made and you have never heard of it. Just picture that television programme grumpy old men.......that was me. I asked them where G was in the shop as Lady Gaga blasted out "oh la, sha sha sha, Gaga oh la la" Enough said. I could not find it, eventually blondie behind the counter found a disk. I quizzed her about it being part one, "Yes it is" she said. Silly me got home to find it was a dvd of the bonus material. Trip two to the dvd store. No apology and when I suggested to the manager/owner (I am the manager and the owner, thank you Basil) that his staff should at least know some of the most famous films ever made. He said "Well they can't know everything" I nearly responded with "Something, might help" Instead, I left needing a drink.

Now at home, organic lamb sausage sandwiches, The Godfather, my fifteen year old son, two big couches and a bottle of St Hellier Pear Cider. I normally take a photo of the bottle and the drink in a glass, I drank this one before I could get the camera out.

This is a very pale coloured cider with a very light bead, in fact it is more spritzig than bubbly. It smells of pears, pear drops (those gorgeous boiled sweets I used to have as a kid) and esters. There is no mistaking this is made from pears. In the mouth it is light with a touch of sweetness. It tastes of pears, hurray. It finishes with a lovely acidity and the pear flavours hang around. A very good cider indeed.

It comes all the way from St Hellier, Jersey which is one of the Channel Islands in between England and France. Check out their videos at

9 pears out of 10.

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