Saturday, July 31, 2010

E by gum

I got sent a great email this morning. It is a warning from Yorkshire police. Apparently there have been reports of drug users in Yorkshire using dental syringes to inject Ecstasy. It is know as "E by gum"

This nicely (OK a little tenuously) brings me to Yorkshires oldest brewery Samuel Smiths who have now branched out into what traditionally is a west country product, cider. The Samuel Smiths Brewery is not to be confused with the John Smiths Brewery that is now owned by Heineken, the Dutch part of Yorkshire! John Smiths do have a tradition of great adverts here are a couple of favourites , come on Mum! classic. Anyway I digress, Samuel and John Smith were cousins who fell out and started separate breweries. Families eh.

Anyway to the cider. It is 5% alcohol and a dark golden colour. It smells of apples, funny that! It is 100% organic. That means that no pesticides, herbicides or fungicides were used in the orchard. That is a good thing. Another fact for you, did you know that most of the chemicals used in farming nowhere days are oil based. This is done so that when it rains the chemicals do not get washed off. Tricky eh!

Anyway back to the cider, where was I, as yes, dark golden in colour. It has a medium carbonation. However, in the mouth something is not quite right. Yes, it has apples and is lets say medium sweet. It just lacks.................flavour. I drank all the 500mls in the bottle and was still no enthused. I sound like the customer who eats the whole meal in a restaurant and then complains.

So, after grabbing this cider from the local bottleshop and looking forward to it, it was a let down.

5.5 apples out of 10.

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